Server-Side Rendering
Nuxt ECharts not only provides <VChart>
which renders the chart dynamically in the browser with full functionality, but also offers components rendering charts on the server side which we may need in some specific scenarios:
- Reducing the FCP time and ensuring the chart is displayed immediately.
- Reducing code volume while complex interaction is required.
Server-Side SVG Rendering
. If you found any issue, design flaw, or have ideas to improve it, please open an issue or a Discussion.<VChartIsland>
is a Nuxt server component which renders an SVG chart based on its props. When its props update, this will result in a network request that will update the rendered SVG in place. Since it is static, no ECharts code needs to be loaded on the client side.
Since server components are rendered 'outside' the Vue component tree and don't contain JS on the client side, they don't have access to provide/inject. Thus we provide <VChartServer>
, a wrapper component of <VChartIsland>
which can inject data provided by its ancestor components.
Client Hydration
Lazy-Loading Full ECharts
We can have all ECharts functionality while still displaying the chart on the screen in a blink of an eye. If ssr
is turned on, <VChart>
will use <VChartServer>
to render an SVG chart on the server to quickly output the first screen chart, and then on the client once <VChart>
mounted in the browser, the same chart will be rerendered to achieve functionality from ECharts core.
Lightweight Client Runtime
Sometimes we don't need complex interactions implemented by the above solution, we can use VChartLight
which hydrates the SVG rendered by the server via ECharts lightweight client runtime to achieve simple interactions like clicking and mouse-moving. The advantage is that the client no longer needs to load hundreds of KBs of ECharts code, it only needs to load a less than 4KB lightweight runtime code.
In this module, we introduced several different components. Let's summarize their respective applicable scenarios:
Component | Rendering Solution | Loading Volume | Loss of Function and Interaction | Recommended Scenario |
VChart with ssr:true | Server-side SVG rendering plus client-side ECharts lazy loading | Large | Cannot interact before lazy loading is completed | The first screen load time is sensitive, high demand for complete functionality and interaction, the chart is best not needed for interaction immediately after loading |
VChartIsland | Server-side SVG rendering | Small | Does not support legend toggle series display, does not support tooltips and other interactions with high real-time requirements | The first screen load time is sensitive, low demand for complete functionality and interaction |
VChartServer | Server-side SVG rendering | Small | The same as above but able to inject contextual option provided by an ancestor component | The same as above |
VChartLight | Server-side SVG rendering plus client-side lightweight runtime | Small | Cannot implement interactions with high real-time requirements | The first screen load time is sensitive, low demand for complete functionality and interaction, very strict requirements for code volume, not strict requirements for interaction real-time |