
Provide / Inject

Configure contextual options via Nuxt ECharts injection keys.

Nuxt ECharts provides provide/inject API for theme, init-options, update-options and loading-options to help configuring contextual options for <VChart>, <VChartServer> and <VChartLight>.

<script setup lang="ts">
import { provide } from 'vue'
import type { InitOptions } from 'nuxt-echarts/runtime/types'

/* Injection keys like `THEME_KEY` are auto-imported */

// provide theme
provide(THEME_KEY, 'dark')

// provide init-options
const renderer = ref('svg')
const initOptions = computed<InitOptions>(() => ({
  height: 300,
  width: 600,
  renderer: renderer.value,
provide(INIT_OPTIONS_KEY, initOptions)

// provide update-options

// provide update-options
UPDATE_OPTIONS_KEY and LOADING_OPTIONS_KEY only work for <VChart>, Server-rendering ECharts (<VChartIsland>, <VChartServer> and <VChartLight>) do not have these two props.