

Enable simple interactions on the client side based on server-side rendering.

<VChartLight> uses <VChartServer> underhood to render ECharts on server side. The SVG rendered by the server is hydrated with ECharts lightweight client runtime to enable some simple interactions such as: clicking the legend to toggle whether the series is displayed. In this case, we can avoid loading at least a few hundred KBs of ECharts code on the client side.

<script setup>
const option = ref({
  legend: {
    selected: {
      a: true,
      b: true,
      c: true,
  series: [
      name: 'Access From',
      type: 'pie',
      roseType: 'angle',
      data: [
        { value: 800, name: 'a' },
        { value: 735, name: 'b' },
        { value: 580, name: 'c' },

function onClick(params) {
  if (params.ssrType === 'legend') {
    const key = Object.keys(option.value.legend.selected)[params.dataIndex]
    // toggle display of the series
    option.value.legend.selected[key] = !option.value.legend.selected[key]

  <VChartLight :option="option" @click="onClick" />
Full example code on GitHub


  • init-options: Optional chart init configurations. See echarts.init's opts parameter.
    • type: object
    • Injection key: INIT_OPTIONS_KEY.
We have to specify the height and width property in init-options for SSR.
  • theme: Theme to be applied. See echarts.init's theme parameter.
    • type: string or object
    • Injection key: THEME_KEY.
  • option: ECharts' universal interface. Modifying this prop will trigger ECharts' setOption method. Read more here →.
    • type: object


  • click
    • parameters:
      • params:
        • type: ECSSRClientEventParams
  • mouseout
    • parameters:
      • params:
        • type: ECSSRClientEventParams
  • mouseover
    • parameters:
      • params:
        • type: ECSSRClientEventParams
export interface ECSSRClientEventParams {
  type: 'mouseover' | 'mouseout' | 'click';
  ssrType: 'legend' | 'chart';
  seriesIndex?: number;
  dataIndex?: number;
  event: Event;